Monday, March 22, 2010

I went through my “Mr. Mom” phase. Remember that movie where Michael Keaton plays a husband and father who loses his job and he and his wife, played by Terri Garr, change roles? She goes in to work and he stays home to watch the kids. At first he’s all pressed and polished and off to do his job search. After a few weeks of getting no response he sinks into depression and this is shown by his wearing the same flannel shirt for weeks on end. There’s more to that movie and it is Hollywood’s version of unemployment but they did get a few things right. I did, and so do most everyone else in this situation, go through a period of frantic activity. Everyday grinding out applications and phone calls and cold calls. If this doesn’t result in anything though, it is followed by a period of deep depression. I didn’t wear flannel every day, I just didn’t get up.
I haven’t started playing poker with the neighborhood wives yet, that happens to Michael in Mr. Mom. But, I have leveled off to a steady plod. I’ve thought about starting an over 50 unemployed support group. I’ve thought about a lot of things. I have thought about renting out rooms in my house. In the Disney movie of the same name Kit Kittredge’s family did that to get them through the great depression. I too am an American Girl. I’m just a tad long in the tooth.
Well, this is my part in this great depression, or recession, or whatever they are calling it these days. It’s been five months now. Between my savings, my unemployment and my daughter, I’m not yet homeless. But I have indeed learned a great deal about myself and the situation I find myself in. I know, I’m not alone. I hear this statement a lot. I am part of the great 10.5% unemployed nationally and the 9.2% in Washington State. That of course is the number for those who are currently eligible to receive unemployment. I just learned, on the nightly news that over 600,000 nationally have dropped off the roles. Not because they found work but because they have stopped looking. What happens to you when you stop looking? I have time; I’m going to research that.

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